Aeneas & the pilgrim child set out into the city
I shall build a city upon a hill
and upon a hill and upon a hill and upon a hill
..........I am a little shepherd piping low
..........through the valleys of Babylon
I shall build a city upon a hill
and it shall be as a light unto—
..........and upon a hill and upon a hill and upon a hill a citadel—
..........the world I shall build
through the valleys of Babylon
I lay down and weep
..........I lay down and weep
..........And weep for thee, Babylon
but then I, I recall I—
I am aloft in my omnipotence
..........and so there is no problem
-Tiffany Higgins
From and Aeneas stares into her helmet (Carolina Wren Press Press 2008). Used by permission.
Tiffany Higgins is the author of And Aeneas Stares into her Helmet, a book of poems which asks where our wars live in us. Evie Shockley selected it as winner of the 2008 Carolina Wren Press Poetry Prize. Critic Michael Parker chose it as his Best Book of Poetry 2009. Tiffany has performed her poems with music by Moisés Nascimento at various venues, including DC’s Busboys and Poets. Tiffany is currently cowriting and helping to produce a documentary set in Brazil and the U.S., Duas Américas. Tiffany grew up in Massachusetts and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, teaching English at several community colleges. See video of performances at tifhiggins.blogspot.com, where she blogs on environmental topics. Visit the poet's site to book readings / multimedia performances.
Higgins attended Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness 2010
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