Additional flyers and the required application form are available here.
Split This Rock seeks poems on the theme: "The World & Me."
What about your neighborhood/city/country/planet makes you happy and proud? What makes you sad? If you were in charge, what would you change? Are there issues you care deeply about? Situations in the news or in your neighborhood that make you mad? Or glad?
Tell us in a poem!
Eligible Writers: Poets must live in or attend school in DC, as well as qualify for either of the following contest groups:
-Ages 12 and under or
-High school students ages 13 and up
Directions: Please print and complete the application form (http://splitthisrock.org/contests.html#youth) and send 1-3 poems to:
Split This Rock/The World & Me Poetry Contest
1112 16th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC20036
Or Fax: (202) 387-7915
Postmark Deadline: Friday, January 15, 2010
You may also hand-deliver the poems by 5 pm on January 15.
Questions? Email: info at splitthisrock dot org
or call (202) 787-5210
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