Things I Don’t Miss From My Youth
florene barco moved
on a visit home told
us she went
to school with
white kids
it was a lunar image
everything shouted
to us
the patterns
we walked. the ease
with which they
commanded. that
we could not live
by the river
word of lynching
farther south & of course
the signs. i
thought it all to be
as much of nature
as the night sky
the birds of the air
the notion of place
meant not where
you stood but how
you talked
to a white man
place was
the wet brown earth
your knees
sank down in
was the crescent
Excerpt from “Things I Don’t Miss from My Youth” from Things I Must Have Known (2008). Used by permission.
A.B. Spellman is an author, poet, critic, and lecturer. He has published numerous books and articles on the arts, including Art Tatum: A Critical Biography (a chapbook),The Beautiful Days (poetry), andFour Lives in the Bebop Business, now available as Four Jazz Lives
Spellman will be featured at Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness,
For more information: info@splitthisrock.org.
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