A Building Away
She is a neighbor a building away, we talk
weather and potholes, exchange
names Mary same as her daughter or is she Marissa or Maria I was distracted,
names Mary same as her daughter or is she Marissa or Maria I was distracted,
her nephew was chewing the leg of
his doll and the day was disappearing before
seeds of our words could
take root A building a wall a fence a street an ocean a
ritual a
tradition a history, turnpike exits mile by milepost zoom past, trails
tears saturate the land, winds repollinate the fields with bones
The building an
ocean away across waves and tides is brick is stucco mud
wood thatch a tent ten
inches from my open blinds In the building an
ocean away is a woman next
door, the thunder of blood in her heart
deafened by jets circling their targets, the
labor of her lungs muffled
by the snapping femurs of olive trees, bulldozers
turning her town and
land family and children under Don't tell me who is or
isn't a
neighbor, don't redline my compassion
-Denise Bergman
Used by permission.
Denise Bergman's poetry collection The Telling is forthcoming from Cervena Barva Press in 2013. She conceived and edited the anthology of urban poetry City River of Voices (West End Press, 1992). Her poetry has appeared in Gettysburg Review, Salamander, American
Letters and Commentary, Nimrod, Solstice, Denver Quarterly, Chautauqua
Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Worcester Review, Monthly Review, Poet
Lore, Patterson Literary Review, New Delta Review, Texas Review, Crab
Orchard Review, and many others. Denise was poetry editor of Sojourner: A Women's Forum and hosted a cable TV series called Women in the Arts. You can read more of her work at: www.denisebergman.com.
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