It was important for me to bring forth the voices of Tsoltim N. Shakabpa, a renowned Tibetan poet, who experienced a stroke recently and can not travel or read his poems out loud, Jigme Dorjee DAGYAP who lives in Sikkim, Gangtok in the Himalayas, and Tashi Rabten, poet and editor of a banned literary magazine known as “Shar Dungri” (Eastern Snow Mountain), who is in prison, sentenced to four years by the Chinese government. However, their voices need to be heard because it is a matter of survival for a people and a culture on the verge of extinction, and Tibetans are the ones that must tell their story to the world, not the colonizers.
Tibetan Association of Southern California began the protest in front of the visa office in hopes of raising awareness among potential visitors of China. At 4:30 p.m., we protested in front of the Chinese Consulate, demanding human rights, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. Photos of the 10 monks and nun in Tibet who self-immolated this year were strewn like prayer flags across the lawn and on picket signs. Then, we marched around the block, I held a sign painted in the colors of the Tibetan flag that read, “100 Thousand Poets for a Free Tibet” and passed out leaflets with poems by Tsoltim N. Shakabpa, Jigme Dorjee DAGYAP, and Tashi Rabten to passersby and people who were wondering what the protest was about.
Afterwards, we returned to the front of the Chinese Consulate and began the poetry reading with the reading of the poem, “Remember,” by Jigme Dorjee DAGYAP. Tibetans continued to read aloud poems by Tsoltim N. Shakabpa: “We Can and We Must,” “Devil in Disguise,” and “China O China.” Some Tibetan children read poems by Tashi Rabten. The poem, “Rangzen,” by Tibetan writer/activist Tenzin Tsundue was read. It was a very touching and emotional moment for me to hear the poems read aloud by Tibetans in front of the Chinese Consulate.
After the reading, it was already night time, the sky had darkened. Above us was the waxing moon and a few stars. We all sat down on the lawn surrounded by candles during a prayer – om mani peme hung...
At about 7:30 p.m., the press release was read aloud and I listened to the demands for human rights, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. I listened to the names of the 10 monks and nun in Tibet who had sacrificed their lives by lighting themselves on fire in self-immolation, sending their only voice, fire, burning flesh, over the great Himalayas for the world to hear. I could not hold back my tears. As the tears streamed down my face, I told myself, I must be strong, I must be resilient, as we all must be and continue this peaceful fight for freedom and basic human rights.
Photos from the November 2nd ENOUGH: Global Day of Action for Tibet at the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles:
Stand Up For Tibet Campaign Unites World Wide on Eve of G20 Summit
Petition to Free Poet Tashi Rabten: http://www.change.org/petitions/the-president-of-the-united-states-release-tibetan-poet-tashi-rabten-and-end-chinas-censorship-of-writers
By Tsoltim N. Shakabpa
You affect democracy
We effect democracy
You bear no criticism
We bare our soul
You prey on the weak
We pray for the weak
You exorcise freedom
We exercise freedom
You complement injustice
We compliment justice
You faze human rights
We phase in human rights
You pair wrong with right
We pare wrong from right
You censor free speech
We censure limited speech
You break laws
We brake to prevent illegality
You go left
We go right
You tell lies
We tell truths
You hate religion
We love religion
You talk crooked
We talk straight
You adore money
We adore God
You act violently
We act non-violently
You promote autocracy
We promote democracy
You restrain free speech
We restore free speech
Your power grows out of the barrel of a gun
Our power grows from the legitimacy of our claim
China O China
Give up your sins
And save your skins
We pray for your soul
Abandon your goal
Give up your wrath
Follow our path
So we can get along
And be true friends life long
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