June Sunday Kind of Love:
A Reading From
Persistent Voices:Poetry by Writers Lost to AIDS

Philip Clark, R. Dwyane Betts, Jericho Brown, H.G Carillo, Richard McCann, and Joseph Ross
Sunday June 19, 2011
Langston Room - Busboys & Poets
2021 14th St. NW
Hosted by Sarah Browning and Katy Richey
Co-Sponsored by
Busboys and Poets and Split This Rock
Open mic at each event!
Suggested donation: $5; no one turned away
For more info: www.BusboysandPoets.com
A Cave Canem Fellow, R. Dwayne Betts is 2010 Soros Justice Fellow and winner of the 2010 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Debut for his memoir, A Question of Freedom. He has won a Holden Fellowship, a scholarship to the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference and was a finalist for the Ruth Lily Fellowship. His first collection, Shahid Reads His Own Palm, won the Beatrice Hawley Award given by Alice James Books in 2010. His poetry and essays have been published in Ploughshares, Crab Orchard Review, the Washington Post, the ABA Journal and other national literary magazines, periodicals and newspapers.
Jericho Brown worked as the speechwriter for the Mayor of New Orleans before receiving his PhD in Creative Writing and Literature from the University of Houston. He also holds an MFA from the University of New Orleans and a BA from Dillard University. The recipient of the Whiting Writers Award and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University, the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, and the Krakow Poetry Seminar in Poland, Brown is an Assistant Professor at the University of San Diego. His poems have appeared in journals and anthologies including, The Iowa Review, jubilat, Oxford American, A Public Space, and 100 Best African American Poems. His first book, PLEASE (New Issues), won the American Book Award.
H.G. Carrillo is the author of Loosing My Espanish, a novel, published by Pantheon Books and in paperback by Anchor Books. His short stories have appeared in Kenyon Review, Conjunctions, The Iowa Review, Glimmer Train, Ninth Letter, Slice and other journals and publications. Carrillo lives in Washington, DC, where he is Assistant Professor in the Department of English at The George Washington University, and is a member of the board of directors of the PEN/Faulkner Foundation. He is currently at work on a novel.
Philip Clark is the co-editor of Persistent Voices: Poetry by Writers Lost to AIDS. A writer and researcher living near Washington D.C., he serves as chair of the board of directors for the Rainbow History Project. His essays and other writings have appeared in such works as The Golden Age of Gay Fiction; The Lost Library: Gay Fiction Rediscovered; Fifty Gay and Lesbian Books Everybody Must Read; and The Oxford Companion to the Photograph. He is currently completing the late Reginald Shepherd's work editing the selected poems of Donald Britton and researching a book about H. Lynn Womack, Washington D.C.'s Guild Press, and gay life from the 1950s-1970s.
Richard McCann is the author of Mother of Sorrows, a collection of linked stories that Michael Cunningham has described as "almost unbearably beautiful." He is also the author of Ghost Letters, an award-winning collection of poems, and the editor (with Michael Klein) of Things Shaped in Passing: More 'Poets for Life' Writing from the AIDS Pandemic. His work has appeared in such magazines as The Atlantic, Esquire, Ms., Ploughshares, and Tin House, and in such anthologies as The O. Henry Prize Stories 2007 and Best American Essays 2000. For his work, he has received fellowships and awards from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Christopher Isherwood Foundation, and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. He lives in Washington, DC, where he is a professor at American University. He serves on the Board of Trustees of the PEN/Faulkner Foundation and is a Member of the Corporation of Yaddo.
Joseph Ross' poems appear in many anthologies including Poetic Voices Without Borders 1 and 2, Come Together-Imagine Peace, and the upcoming anthology Collective Brightness: GLBT Poets on Faith. His poems have also appeared in many journals including Poet Lore, whose editors nominated him for a Pushcart Prize. In 2007, he co-edited Cut Loose the Body: An Anthology of Poems on Torture. He directs the Writing Center at Carroll High School in Washington, D.C. and writes regularly at www.JosephRoss.net.
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