From Francine Michalek Drives Bread
Note: “Francine Michalek Drives Bread” is a fictional work. Resemblances to characters living and dead, fictional and non-fictional, are (just) coincidence. Textual samplings from speeches by the protagonist in Bertolt Brecht’s The Mother and Mary Ann Landis’s interview with Theresa Pavlocak (published in Thomas Dublin’s compendium of oral history interviews, When the Mines Closed: Stories of the Struggles in Hard Times: Cornell U.P., 1998) provide historical underpinnings for this fictional tale.
They took me right down
.........the hill, and
pulled up in front
.........Wiggly, outside of
Union, is Francine’s
.........Outside Eleanor
smokes a Slim.
I never dreamed
.........my last years
like this. Before
.........Doctor Steel
was the doctor
.........into a little
.........what’s wrong
with him.
.........miner, and
union organizer
.........for the rights
of common people.
.........by age four,
.........at age five,
and by ten
.........family’s union beliefs.
They make sure
.........past. We have
.........we’ve learned
.........he wouldn’t
.........and one arm
was practically
.........means nothing.
And maybe
them songs.
From Shut Up, Shut Down (2004), used by permission
Mark Nowak is the author of Coal Mountain Elementary (Coffee House Press, 2009) and Shut Up Shut Down (Coffee House Press, 2004). For the past several years he has been designing and facilitating “poetry dialogues” with Ford autoworkers in the United States and South Africa (through the UAW and NUMSA), striking clerical workers (through AFSCME 3800), Muslim/Somali nurses and healthcare workers (through Rufaidah), and others. Nowak’s writings on new labor poetics have recently appeared in Goth: Undead Subculture (Duke, 2007), American Poets in the 21st Century: The New Poetics (Wesleyan, 2007), The Progressive, and elsewhere. A native of
Nowak will be featured at Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation &Witness,
Split This Rock
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