Blessed Be
the black body found
next door near the house where
the blind girl lived
Blessed be
togetherness the act of
intercourse or intersection billy
club to skull knife
to gut hands noosed
around a neck
Blessed be praise
Blessed be
the length of a feather in a church
hat or the tension of a chord
held in the throat of a black girl belting
out amazing grace over a
body now gone
Blessed be the body now gone
Blessed be the seasons
Blessed be summer winter spring
Blessed be place
Blessed be
the black body found
in an alley behind that fashionable street
with those cafes on its sleeve
Blessed be time
Blessed be how the moon cuts itself in half
Blessed be the body now gone
in the time it takes
to place spit to finger to take
this page and turn
next door near the house where
the blind girl lived
Blessed be
togetherness the act of
intercourse or intersection billy
club to skull knife
to gut hands noosed
around a neck
Blessed be praise
Blessed be
the length of a feather in a church
hat or the tension of a chord
held in the throat of a black girl belting
out amazing grace over a
body now gone
Blessed be the body now gone
Blessed be the seasons
Blessed be summer winter spring
Blessed be place
Blessed be
the black body found
in an alley behind that fashionable street
with those cafes on its sleeve
Blessed be time
Blessed be how the moon cuts itself in half
Blessed be the body now gone
in the time it takes
to place spit to finger to take
this page and turn
Reprinted from The Language of Shedding Skin (Main Street Rag, 2010).
Used with permission.
Used with permission.
Photo by Jennie Scott.
Niki Herd earned degrees in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona and Antioch University. Nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize, she is the recipient of fellowships from Cave Canem and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Her work has been supported by the Astraea Foundation and the DC Commission on the Arts, and has appeared in several journals and anthologies. Her first collection of poems, The Language of Shedding Skin, was published by Main Street Rag in 2010 as part of the Editor's Select Series. She currently lives in Washington, DC.
Our Virtual Open Mic: Poems that Resist Police Brutality and Demand Racial Justice is now closed. These and other Black Lives Matter poems, along with Ferguson Action's list of demands, are to be read in front of the Department of Justice in the Poetry Speaks Volumes action at noon -- today -- in front the department.
Please feel free to share Split This Rock Poem of the Week widely. We just ask you to include all of the information in this post, including this request. Thanks! If you are interested in reading past poems of the week, feel free to visit the blog archive.
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