juxtaposing the black boy & the bullet
one is hard & the other tried to be
one is fast & the other was faster
one is loud & one is a song
with one note & endless rest
one's whole life is a flash
both spend their life
trying to find a warmth to call home
both spark quite the debate,
some folks want to protect them/some think we should just get rid
of the damn things all together.
-Danez Smith
Used by permission.
Danez Smith is a Cave Canem Fellow, Pushcart
Nominee, Survivor & Black Queer from St. Paul, MN. Danez was featured in
The Academy of American Poets’ Emerging Poets Series by Patricia Smith & was
a finalist for the 2013 Rattle Poetry Prize. Danez is the author of hands
on ya knees, a chapbook published by Penmanship Books. His full-length
collection, ‘[insert] Boy, will be published in 2014 by Yes Yes Books. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in
Poetry Magazine, Ploughshares, Devil’s Lake, The Cortland Review, Anti-, &
elsewhere. Danez started writing because of slams & necessity, &
placed 6th in the world at the 2011 Individual World Poetry
Slam & is the 2013 Rustbelt Midwest Regional Slam Champion. Danez twerks with the best, has no time for
the rest. He writes & lives in Oakland, CA.
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