May Sunday Kind of Love
celebrating Latin American translations
Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Naomi Ayala, Patricia Bejarano Fisher &
Yvette Neisser Moreno
Yvette Neisser Moreno

Sunday May 20, 2012
5-7 pm
Busboys and Poets
2021 14th St. NW
Washington, DC
Hosted by Sarah Browning
& Katy Richey
As always, open mic follows!
Co-Sponsored by Busboys and Poets
& Split This Rock
For more information:
This month we
celebrate the translations of Latin American poetry with Luis Alberto
Ambroggio and his translator, Naomi Ayala, and co-translators of
Venezuelan poet Maria Teresa Ogliastri, Patricia Bejarano Fisher and
Yvette Neisser Moreno.
Ambroggio and Ayala will be reading from Ambroggio's latest collection, The Wind's Archeology. Bejarano Fisher and Neisser Moreno will be reading from Ogliastri's collection, South Pole/Polo Sur.
Luis Alberto Ambroggio,
an internationally acclaimed Hispanic-American poet born in Argentina,
is a Member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language.
Author of over fifteen published collections of poetry, anthologies,
book of essays, including the bilingual anthologies Difficult Beauty: Selected Poems 1987-2006 introduced by Pulitzer-Prize winner Oscar Hijuelos (2009, edited by Yvette Neisser Moreno) and The Wind's Archeology
(2011, translated by Naomi Ayala). His poetry and essays are the
subject of two volumes of critical studies and have been recorded in the
Archives of Hispanic Literature of the U.S. Library of the Congress.
Naomi Ayala is the author of Wild Animals on the Moon and This Side of Early. Her third book of poems, Calling Home: Praise Songs and Incantations
is forthcoming from Bilingual Review Press. In 2011, VasoRoto
Ediciones (Mexico) released her translation of Luis Alberto Ambroggio's
most recent book of poetry, The Wind's Archeology/La arqueología del viento. Naomi teaches at The Writer's Center and works as a freelance writer/editor and translator.
Patricia Bejarano Fisher
has worked as a Spanish instructor, translator and language-learning
materials developer for both government and academia. She taught
college-level English in her native Colombia and Spanish at the
University of Maryland and has a Master's Degree in Linguistics. Her
translations of Gladys Ilarregui's poetry will be included in the
forthcoming English edition of the anthology Al pie de la Casa Blanca: Poetas hispanos en Washington, DC (At the Base of the White House: Hispanic Poets in Washington, DC).
Yvette Neisser Moreno's first book of poetry, Grip, won the 2011 Gival Press Poetry Award and will be released in Fall 2012. She is co-translator of South Pole/Polo Sur by María Teresa Ogliastri (Settlement House, 2011), editor of Difficult Beauty: Selected Poems by Luis Alberto Ambroggio (Cross-Cultural Communications, 2009), founder of the DC-Area Literary Translators Network (DC-ALT), and a member of Split This Rock's programming committee. She has taught at various institutions, most recently The George Washington University, Catholic University, and The Writer's Center. Her website is
Maria Teresa Ogliastri has
been hailed by critics as one of the "essential" Venezuelan poets of
the 21st century for her "refined lyric register." She has authored five
books of poetry, most recently Del diario de la Señora Mao (From the Diary of Madame Mao), and her work has been included in several significant anthologies of contemporary Venezuelan poetry. South Pole/Polo Sur is her 4th book, and the first to appear in English.
Split This Rock
1 comment:
I have a question. Will the poetry be translated from Spanish to English? Or will it be vice versa? Or will the poems be read in both languages?
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