Sunday Kind of Love

launching her prize-winning collection:
Elegies for New York Avenue
2021 14th St. NW
Washington, DC 20009
Hosted by Sarah Browning & Katy Richey
Suggested Donation: $5
As always, open mic follows!
Co-Sponsored by Busboys and Poets & Split This Rock
"Delicious in their sheer sonic energy, the poems in Elegies for New York Avenue take us on a headlong, heady rush through story and memory, portrait and lyric, lament and celebration, every line sounding the way for another, linking again and again to a surprising intimacy and reality. The mosaic of neighborhood and family that Henderson creates is spellbinding. Each piece, each person, each emotion is emblazoned in these poems by precise words and honored by an attention both tender and fierce. These poems throw off sparks. Catch them!"
--Joan Houlihan
To begin at the beginning
the gum of July doesn't stick to the blood in our skin
& we are not from this place
it's arteries, a blazing blue; it's 7:59
& we are not from this place
and we are not from this place
We know the vacant eyes of our streets,
from this place we are from--
We know.
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