after W.S Merwin
The president of pride's been overthrown
by a coup.
The president of humility shakes his head.
"If only he had listened," he says.
But it's too late. Pride's flag is burned
in front of government buildings.
The money marked with his face
has been tossed into a bonfire.
A pile of ashes collects
under Pride burned in effigy.
The president of sympathy
is nonexistent. It's a kingdom
in a mirage. Its citizens are dazed
by thirst. Hunger's as abundant
as air and trampled sand.
Hindsight's mistaken for the babbling
village idiot. He staggers through
the troubled kingdom and spots Pride
with its wrists and neck in the guillotine.
The wise man takes a swig from his flask,
shakes his skinny finger, and goes away
tsk tsking.
-Alan King
Used by permission.
Alan King is a poet and journalist, living in the DC metropolitan area. He's also the senior program director for DC Creative Writing Workshop, a Cave Canem fellow, VONA Alum, and MFA candidate at the University of Southern Maine's Stonecoast program. King's been nominated for both a Best of the Net selection and Pushcart Prize. His first collection of poems, Drift, will be published January 2012 by Willow Books.
King attended Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness 2008 and 2010.
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Split This Rock
Here's a fine poem by a fine poet. Thanks for giving us Alan's work!
My debut collection of poems DRIFT is now available for pre-order at http://bit.ly/rs0aiK. You can also read advanced praise for my book at http://wp.me/pC3Xj-EB
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