Sunday, October 18, 2009, 4 – 6 pm
Busboys & Poets, 14th and V Streets, Washington, DC, (202) 387-7638, info [at] splitthisrock.org
Sponsored by Busboys and Poets and Split This Rock
Featuring Randall Horton and Emily Warn.
Hosted by Katy Richey and Sarah Browning. Open mike follows. Admission is free with donation.

Marvin Gaye Sings National Anthem at the NBA all-star Game
Life should be so easy as a boy
on swing set thrusting both feet forward, pulling
his face through a breeze, or
to be curled in a lover's arm listening to river swirls'
meditation. War rages against
this lean silk in the spotlight.
Oh how to articulate the madness except
through a drum machine, distant family member
to the djembe-
an electronic beat tingles the ear hole.
Now layer sensation with voice smooth
as hot silver flowing into half-dollars,
brighter than a thousand camera flashes,
& the mirrored shades gleaming
is for others to reflect themselves.
Oh the fork tongue whispering
knows the five-spots festering Southeast DC, has seen
14th Street's hollowed buildings
in a state of rigor-mortis from the 60s: a construct
of crumbling brick structures
held by aging plyboard.
A moon of narcotic drains slowly from the nostrils,
bone bright-numb
as if this may be the apocalypse.
Oh they have chosen a troubled man
to signify Old Glory, which unfurls
if nothing but faithfully.
From The Lingua Franca of Ninth Street, September 2009, Main Street Rag Press, Charlotte, NC. Used by Permission.

Elijah's Babble
After my rendition in the cave,
they engraved my name in a pink granite star
on Hollywood Boulevard. People mill about.
I swore fame was someone else's story.
Cameras flash. Some touch my gold letters,
a gravestone in any other setting.
Dizzy and Thelonius said without speaking a word.
Their riffs stopped taxis, got people to tapping
and listening, forgetting their business.
I'm proof that words travel to jazz's galaxy.
Not any words, words that labor where no one speak.
I squandered nights in whiskey bars,
lapped milk that widows left for starving cats,
wandered streets until I could hear what is not;
not the earthquake that sets old clocks and hearts ticking,
not the firestorms that smoked all summer,
not the wind snapping power lines, leaving us in the dark,
but the sound of God almost breathing.
From Shadow Architect, Copper Canyon, 2008. Used by Permission.
NEXT: Sunday, November 15, 4 pm
Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Tara Betts, and Yvette Neisser Moreno!