The Washington Post's Book World "Summer Reading Issue" published on June 19th included no poetry books. Zip. Zero. Zilch.
Continuing our letter-writing campaign to encourage Book World editors to include more poetry in the publication, Split This Rock 2012 Festival Planning Committee member and poet Yvette Neisser Moreno had her letter to the editor published in this past Saturday's Post.
You can read it here: Why no poetry in Book World special?
We encourage you to join in on the conversation in the "comments" section and if you live in the Washington, DC, area or read The Washington Post, please write a letter to the editor urging more reviews of poetry. We hope to continue to swamp the Post with scores of letters demonstrating the wide audience for poetry among its readership. Use our Sample Letter to the Post, or write your own.
For inspiration and more details, read our flyer and check out some of Split This Rock's favorite sites for book reviews! Please let us know what response you receive. Contact Yvette Neisser-Moreno for more information.
If you live outside the area, write a similar letter to the book review section of your local newspaper. Even better, launch a local campaign! Together, we can make this a national campaign to increase coverage of poetry books in major newspapers and begin to restore poetry’s place as a major genre of literature in this country.
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