Announcing the Split This Rock Poetry Discussion Series
As we gear up for the next Split This Rock Poetry Festival--just around the corner in March 2012--we will host a series of poetry discussions focused on the work of 2012 featured poets. This is an opportunity for both Split This Rock devotees and the public at large to familiarize ourselves with the work of featured poets and to get a flavor for the wide range of poets who will participate in next year's festival. The discussions will be co-facilitated by Split This Rock organizers/GWU professors Katherine Howell and Yvette Neisser Moreno.
All of the discussions are free and open to the public, and will be held in the conference room of Split This Rock/Institute for Policy Studies at 1112 16th Street NW, Suite 600. All of the discussions will be held at 7pm. You are welcome to attend just one or two discussions, or to participate in all six. If you have questions, please contact us at or 202-787-5210.
Books will be available to purchase at Busboys and Poets (14th & V Streets NW) or online at Busboys and Poets Books. While advance reading is not necessary, we encourage you to get the books and read them ahead of time so that we can have a lively discussion.
The schedule is below...scroll down for our rock-splitting lineup! We hope you will join us.
Sep. 14: June Jordan
To launch the series, we will discuss the work of the late June Jordan, whose poetry and activism will be honored at the 2012 festival. Links to the poems and essay to be discussed are available at our website.
Oct. 13: Douglas Kearney, The Black Automaton
Nov. 9: Minnie Bruce Pratt, Inside the Money Machine
Dec. 6: Homero Aridjis, Solar Poems
Jan. 11: Rachel McKibbens, The Pink Elephant
Feb. 8: Marilyn Nelson, The Cachoeira Tales and Other Poems

Poets from top to bottom: June Jordan, Douglas Kearney, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Homero Aridjis, Rachel McKibbens, Marilyn Nelson
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