Split This Rock will have a major presence at the Associated Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Annual Conference, February 3-5, 2011, when AWP returns to DC for the first time in more than a decade.
If you'll be in DC, we hope you'll join us! As a Literary Partner, Split This Rock will put on two featured conference presentations, a tribute to Langston Hughes, and a panel discussion on the poet as public citizen. We're also collaborating with other poetry and social change groups for offsite readings on immigration and the nightmare of Arizona's SB 1070, on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and celebrating queer voices.
On Thursday, February 3, we call poets and writers to speak out for an end to the wars and occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq at a peaceful, permitted event at the White House on Thursday, February 3.
Details about all these events, and more, on our AWP page. And let us know (info@splitthisrock.org) if you'd like to volunteer at Booth #315 in the Bookfair!
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