I'm in my seat,
averting my eyes,
those funhouse mirrors,
from the numbers
swimming across the blackboard.
Figures are slimy
monsters who slobber
all over your picnic
basket on the beach.
I grab my white cane
and run away from them.
"If you were Helen Keller,"
my teacher says,
"you'd get a gold
star in arithmetic."
Her voice sounds
like she's just
met Prince Charming.
"You would be a perfect
young lady," she says.
I don't want
to make friends
with fractions
or skip rope
with multiplication tables.
I want to chase
lightning bugs,
pull my brother's hair,
open up all the presents
before the company
comes on Christmas morning.
I don't want to be any
Goody-Two-Shoes Helen.
I want to baptize
my new sneakers
in the mud.
-Kathi Wolfe
From The Green Light (Finishing Line Press, 2013)
From The Green Light (Finishing Line Press, 2013)
Used by permission.
Kathi Wolfe is a writer and poet. Her chapbook The Green Light was published by Finishing Line Press in Summer 2013. Wolfe is a contributor to the anthology Beauty Is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability, an American Library Association 2011 Notable book. Her chapbook Helen Takes the Stage: The Helen Keller Poems was published by Pudding House in 2008. Wolfe's poetry has appeared in Gargoyle, Beltway Poetry Review
and other publications. In 2008, she was a Lambda Literary Foundation
Fellow. Wolfe is a senior writer/columnist for the arts magazine Scene4 and a contributor to The Washington Blade.
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