From the Split This Rock Family:
So many spectacular books of poetry of provocation and
witness are now appearing in print each year we can’t keep up. Some of those
same books are winning the major prizes and being reviewed everywhere. It’s a stunning shift in the literary landscape and one Split This
Rock is proud to have played a role in helping to bring about.
Rather than publish another list of Recommended Books that
tries to take stock of the whole field, Split This Rock Executive Director Sarah Browning
asked a number of Splitistas to send her the titles of 2015 books they loved which
haven’t received the attention their champions think they deserve. We are thrilled to
put a spotlight on some gems.
Special thanks to nominators Francisco Aragón, Lawrence-Minh Davis, Aracelis Girmay, Joseph O. Legaspi, E.
Ethelbert Miller, Naomi Shihab Nye, Melissa Tuckey, and Joshua Weiner.
Here, Then: Spectacular Books of 2015
Trouble Sleeping, Abdul Ali (New Issues Press)
The Gravedigger’s Archaeology, William Archilla (Red Hen Press)
The Spectral Wilderness, Oliver Bendorf (Kent State University Press)
Bastards of the Reagan Era, Reginald Dwayne Betts (Four Way Books)
Bastards of the Reagan Era, Reginald Dwayne Betts (Four Way Books)
Ghost River, Trevino L. Brings Plenty (The Backwaters Press)
Redbone, Mahogany L. Browne (Willow Books)
Furious Dusk, David Campos (University of Notre Dame Press)
The Book of Silence: Manhood as a Pseudoscience, Rasheed
Copeland (Sargent Press)

String Theory, Jenny Yang Cropp (Mongrel Empire Press)
Honest Engine, Kyle G. Dargan (University of Georgia Press)
Cornrows and Cornfields, celeste doaks (Wrecking Ball Press, UK)
Lilith’s Demons,
Julie R. Enszer (A Midsummer Night’s Press)
The Gaffer, Celeste Gainey (Arktoi Book/Red Hen)
Toys Made of Rock, José B. González (Bilingual Review Press)
Life of the Garment, Deborah Gorlin (Bauhan Publishing)
A Crown for Gumecindo, Laurie Ann Guerrero (Aztlan LibrePress)
Ban en Banlieue, Bhanu Kapil (Nightboat Books)
Visiting Indira Gandhi's
Palmist, Kirun Kapur (ElixirPress)
Steep Tea, Jee Leong Koh (Carcanet Press Ltd.)
Steep Tea, Jee Leong Koh (Carcanet Press Ltd.)
Boy with Thorn, Rickey Laurentiis (University of Pittsburgh Press)
The Darkening Trapeze, Larry Levis (Graywolf)
Life In a Box is a Pretty Life, Dawn Lundy Martin (Nightboat Books)
Yearling, Lo Kwa Mei-en (Alice James Books)
Yearling, Lo Kwa Mei-en (Alice James Books)
Sand Opera, Philip Metres (Alice James Books)
The Pink Box, Yesenia Montilla (Willow Books)
The Open Eye, Lenard D. Moore (Mountains and Rivers Press, 30th
Anniversary Edition)
Beauty Is Our Spiritual Guernica, Mario Santiago Papasquiaro, trans.
Cole Heinowitz (Commune Editions)
The Same-Different, Hannah Sanghee Park (LSU Press)
The Same-Different, Hannah Sanghee Park (LSU Press)
She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks, M. Nourbese Philip
(Wesleyan University Press, rerelease of 1989 classic, with a foreword by Evie
Radio Heart: Or, How Robots Fall Out of Love, Margaret Rhee (Finishing Line Press)
Radio Heart: Or, How Robots Fall Out of Love, Margaret Rhee (Finishing Line Press)
Twelve Stations, Tomasz Różycki, translated by Bill Johnston (Zephyr)
Le Animal & Other Creatures, Metta Sáma (MIEL)
Trafficke, Susan Tichy (Ahsahta Press)
The Yellow Door, Amy Uyematsu (Red Hen Press)
100 Chinese Silences, Timothy Yu (Les Figues Press)
Farther Traveler, Ronaldo Wilson (Counterpath Press)
Crevasse, Nicholas Wong (Kaya Press)
Naturalism, Wendy Xu (Brooklyn Arts Press)
100 Chinese Silences, Timothy Yu (Les Figues Press)
The Breakbeat Poets: New American Poetry in the Age of Hip-Hop,
edited by Kevin Coval, Quraysh Ali Lansana, Nate Marshall (Haymarket Books)
Make It True: Poetry From Cascadia, edited by Paul Nelson, George
Stanley, Barry McKinnon, Nadine Maestas (Leaf Press)
Please Excuse This Poem: 100 New Poets for the Next Generation,
edited by Brett Fletcher Lauer, Lynn Melnick (Viking)
Writing Down the Walls:
A Convergence of LGBTQ Voices, edited by Helen Klonaris, Amir Rabiyah (Trans-Genre Press)
Critical Writings
Outside the Margins:
Literary Commentaries, Roberto Bonazzi (Wings Press)
I Will Say This Exactly One Time: Essays, D. Gilson (Sibling Rivalry Press)
Dear Continuum: Letters to a Poet Crafting Liberation, Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie (Grand Concourse Press)
I Will Say This Exactly One Time: Essays, D. Gilson (Sibling Rivalry Press)
Dear Continuum: Letters to a Poet Crafting Liberation, Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie (Grand Concourse Press)
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