Melissa Tuckey Launches Award-Winning
First Book

March 24, 2013
5-7 pm
and Poets (14th & V)
2021 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
Join Melissa Tuckey,
co-founder of Split This Rock, for a book launch and reading from her
award-winning book of poems, Tenuous Chapel. With special guests, Sarah Browning, E. Ethelbert Miller
and Joseph Ross.

"Melissa Tuckey's voice and vision are entirely her own.
These precise and surprising poems reinvent a kind of Imagism with fresh eyes
and a profound sense of real-world compassion, a poetry hard-earned and
patiently well made." Sam Hamill
“The poems in Melissa Tuckey’s Tenuous Chapel are stark yet
radiant, ecstatic yet somber, metaphysical yet grounded in the intimate, the
communal, and the political. She confronts the bewildering complexity of
a violent world with candor and clarity, with wit and grace, with tenderness
and wisdom. It is hard not to be held by the spell of these enigmatic and
uncanny poems that delight and surprise at the turn of each line."
Eric Pankey
"The poems in this impressive first book are
evocative, elusive, spare, with heady feats of juxtaposition: Melissa Tuckey
has pared their engaging narrative and descriptive elements down to emotional
essences that invite the reader’s involvement. Highlighting both family matters
and larger political and social issues, the poems often reference
disappearance, and many are set in winter; but the builder of this Tenuous
Chapel is ultimately able to 'make green an offering' and 'believe in
progress at a time when / everything is going backward.' " Martha Collins
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