Friday, October 12, 2012

Open Call for Poem of the Week Series

Open Call for Poem of the Week Series

Split This Rock began the Poem of the Week program in October 2009 as a way of publicizing the poets who were to be featured in the 2010 festival. We have since continued Poem of the Week--post-festival and in the off years--by featuring poems by poets who were registered participants in Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness 2008, 2010, and/or, 2012.

We are happy to broaden the call and accept work from any poet writing in the socially engaged vein, festival participant or not.

Poem of the Week sends one poem per week on a social issue to a wide audience: Split This Rock's list serv and Facebook group (now totaling over 3,000 nationwide, combined), and the national and international networks of the Institute for Policy Studies. We also post the poem here on the blog. We encourage everyone who receives the poem to forward and post it widely, so that it reaches a broad public.

Please send us poems for consideration. Guidelines are as follows:

· Please send up to three short poems (poems of 40 lines or under work best) as a single email attachment in Word to: The subject should read: "[Your last name] POTW submission." 

· Include, in the cover e-mail, your full contact information (name, address, phone, email address) a bio, up to 75 words, and an author photo.

· Poems may have been previously published in a book, chapbook, or paper journal, but not on the web, please. If previously published, you must own the rights to the work. 
Please include the citation, including the web address of the publisher, so we may link to it.

· Poems will be featured on a rolling basis. 

· We will contact you if your poem is accepted to confirm details, and may request additional information at that time.

Many thanks.  We look forward to reading your poems!


  1. For clarification sake, I have some poems that have been posted on poetry group pages (Facebook) for comment and editorial discussion, but have not been officially "published" in/on any online mag or poetry page.

    Is that in keeping with the rules? Please let me know.

    Thank you.

  2. Hi - In answer to your question: If there was no editorial review process then you're right, the poems haven't been published. Please feel free to submit. We look forward to seeing them!
