Friday, February 1, 2008

Postcards to the President

Greetings from the Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference!

We are here in New York at a gathering of 7,000 writers. It's a tremendous pleasure to be here among so many like (and unlike) souls and to have the opportunity to meet people from around the country who are planning to make the trek to DC this Spring to come to the Split This Rock Poetry Festival.

We have a table at the bookfair (table 213) and will be here through Sunday. While we are here we are giving a writing assignment to those who stop by our table to write a haiku postcard to the president and we invite you to join us via cyberspace. Attached below are some of our favorites from yesterday's writings. We'll post again at the end of this day & tomorrow, so stay tuned...

Much love from all of us here in NYC, Melissa Tuckey



For not being a
Math'metician, George Bush is
A great divider.

--B. Geyer

Do you dream children
in Kabul in Mosul killed
by your certainty

-- Suzanne Gardinier


I listened
with ears
made of Napalm

-- Brian Dickson

Catch and release?
A border crossing is not
a fishing trip-- sir!

-- Jaime Jarvis

The world is watching
Empire shatters as glass
What's left? People. The Arts.

-- Robert M.

What is the
sound of one
president leaving
A Great Celebration!

-- Marlon Fick

(P.S. I am reading names of postcards, so please drop me a note if I misspelled, or misread a name and I'll correct it)


  1. Dear Friends,
    Thank you for posting my Haiku, but you have my name spelled incorrectly. You wrote Lori Desiani but my name is Lori Desrosiers. Peace through Poetry,
    Lori Desrosiers

  2. Sorry, Lori. We couldn't read all the names. We'll correct it!

  3. Dear [p][white house ~ resident]:

    dead people know
    perfect democracy
    freed from fear

    they even can vote
    in Ohio
    not yet in Kurdistan

    good news delivered
    by air land and sea
    imprimatured too
